TCFD is A First Step. We must not stop here.
Jyoti Banerjee was invited to contribute an op-ed to a TCFD report from Newton, a long-term active manager owned by Bank of New York Mellon. Here’s the text of his article, as published in Newton’s 2020 report.

Ambitions for a Nation: Wales Transition Lab
Since October 2020, a group of 35 thought leaders across Wales have listened to each other and imagined a country that future generations could thrive in. Victoria Topham reports back on the four founding ambitions of the Wales Transition Lab. Witness nation-scale change in action.

Financing biodiversity: What we Need to Do
Biodiversity deserves scrutiny. We are now losing species at 1000 times the natural rate. The financing of biodiversity is falling far behind. But the world is starting to recognize the value of nature, as reflected in a number of influential reports. Matthew Phan takes a closer look at the reports to pull together crucial takeaways we all have to pay attention to.

ESG is a dead end. Do we care?
ESG is a dead end. Yet, there is an increased demand for ESG investments as investors seek to incorporate socially conscious principles into their portfolios without sacrificing performance. Jyoti Banerjee investigates regenerative concepts as a better way of addressing our degenerative failures in investment and business.

Funding conservation without costing the Earth
The history of philanthropy is full of systemic disfunction. North Star Transition’s concern to accelerate systemic change immediately stumbles when the fundamental system, in this case wealth creation, militates against the secondary outcome, which is philanthropy. The system is quite simply broken. Peter Harris investigates.

Regenerative farming: Profits, people and Purpose
Modern agriculture evolved partly to meet challenges of food supply and affordability. Yet its use of chemicals has deplete the land and its biodiversity. Add in the growing challenges of climate change, as well as failing farms and sick farmers. Farming must change. One farm that has successfully transitioned from the methods of industrial agriculture is Bradwell Grove in southwest England. To understand this shift, Matthew Phan spoke to Charles Hunter-Smart, who manages the farm.