Finance Transition Dialogue #2: Exploring Regeneration
Jerome Tagger Jerome Tagger

Finance Transition Dialogue #2: Exploring Regeneration

In the second of our three-part dialogue on moving beyond ESG, part of the Finance Transition Lab, our participants focused on what a truly regenerative financial system should achieve. We asked Jerome Tagger, CEO of Preventable Surprises, our partner in the Lab, to summarise the key ideas that emerged from our deliberations.

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Finance Transition Lab - reshaping Finance beyond ESG
Jyoti Banerjee Jyoti Banerjee

Finance Transition Lab - reshaping Finance beyond ESG

North Star Transition is launching Finance Transition Lab, an initiative aimed at reshaping finance to go beyond ESG. The Lab will start with a series of three Dialogues, the first of which will be held on June 10th, 2021. Jyoti Banerjee answers our questions.

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